If you’ve read some of my other blog posts, then you already know that I have ADHD and my journey towards getting that diagnosis was not an easy one. To recap, when I was in first grade, my teacher identified me as being behind the rest of class. She was concerned and asked my parents…
ADHD: Masking, Coping, Rejection Sensitivity, and Being Socially Awkward
When I was in third grade, I made my first best friend. I don’t remember how we started talking, but I do remember that she approached me. After a few months of being friends she told me that when she approached me that day, she was nervous. I asked her why in the world she…
ADHD: How I developed a co-dependent relationship with struggle
Mindlessly scrolling through Facebook Reels a few weekends ago, I came across a reel that mentioned having a co-dependent relationship with struggle. The idea being that some of us have convinced ourselves that struggling through everything is a necessary part of how we function. It’s impossible for things to come easily for us. To be…
My ADHD Chronicles: Becoming Literate
Sitting here as a 42-year-old woman, I can definitively say that I have mixed presentation ADHD. Unfortunately, as a girl with ADHD in the 80’s and 90’s (when everyone was pretty sure that ADHD only existed in hyperactive boys), it has taken me my entire life to get to this diagnosis. As a first grader,…